First of all, I would like to take the opportunity to welcome everyone to "National Gay Pride" month as declared by President Obama earlier this month. Yay!!!
I know that I don't get a whole lot of chances to post regularly however I try to read every day. As many fellow bloggers out here have noticed and mentioned as of late, we have seen several prominent bloggers who have either gone on a haitus or quit blogging completely due to "online" relationships going afoul or some seriously negative commenting.
When I came to this community, I was in search of a group of folks who shared similar views as myself and so that we could share amongst ourselves and also to support one another in their times of need. For the most part that is what I have found. I first happened on to this community through Mirrorboy's blog and I read his and most of the rest of you who have been blogging for more than 6 months.
Sorry about all that drivel, but I wanted to give you a little background first.
*He now steps up to the podium with gear shifter in one hand and gavel in the other with a scowl upon his face*
As a father of 4 children, 2 of whom are teenage boys, the "relationships" that I see you guys going through online troubles me. Now before you all start throwing things at me, let me clarify. Most of you in the younger generation here I have spoken with at some point or another and I have found you to be upstanding young men who have plans to go to college or uni or some type of trade school after finishing high school.
I also understand the need and desire to be wanted and loved by someone, wether it be in real life or online. I guess the key thing to remember here is that the majority of us started blogging here for pretty much the same reasons that I did and therefore in my closeted, "creepy-old guy" opinion, I would think that you would apply the same concepts of what brought you here to blogland to any relationships that you might enter into in blogland.
In closing folks, please remember that the people you speak with out here will more than likely never grace your presence in real life and therefore don't allow them to "get in your head" and effect you in real life. Those would bed my humble words of wisdom for today.
For those of you, like myself, who are out here in real life looking for that special someone, be patient and true love will find us all.
Friends Forever