Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was ok. I got to catch up on some televisions shows and basically just relax before the big move.
I hope that everyone has taken notice of the Prop 8 situation in Cali that will be ruled on later today. One battle won for us will put us all closer to "real" freedom.
As I sit here to compose this post, I'm reflecting on the war's of the past that our veteran's have fought and died in to preserve our freedoms and way of life.
To each and every one of you out there who has served your home country's military service, I would like to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" for your service and hard work.
I would also like to send a few big hugs out to some people.
1) Bob-for the loss of his Uncle
2) Mirrorboy-for his courage to finish his education and for all the other bullshit he has to put up with.
3)Landyn-for his housing needs and the bullshit he has to put up with.
4)Deadwing-for his decision to no longer put his life on hold and the courage to speak with his Father about it.
5)Alien Son-who wrote an excellent piece entitled "Black Dog" and is currently working on a new novel.
That is all that I can think of at the moment. Please don't be offended if I forgot you. It wasn't intentional.
"Hugs" to all
In Your Head
3 hours ago